Beverley Parklands Care home

This is a £5m new build project for Yorkare Homes to construct a three-storey premium care home. The 72-bed facility has a separate unit for nursing, residential care and two smaller dementia care units.

Hobson & Porter was the main building contractor at the 1.3-acre site in Beverley Parklands. Unlike many facilities or buildings of this scale, this was constructed using traditional brick and block methods as opposed using steel, timber or other rapid-build construction techniques. One driver for this was the emphasis on providing a traditional home environment for residents as opposed to a clinical or healthcare-led environment.

The facility has individually designed bedrooms for residents, with an average room size of 26 square metres. It also includes an in-house pub, shops and a hair and beauty salon. It’s all part of the client’s vision of residents being able to enjoy a high standard of independent living at the same time as having in-house nursing expertise 24/7.

It’s an approach which secured a first-class quality of build and fit-out, and saw Hobson & Porter working closely with Yorkare and accommodating a number of changes to the original programme, with no change to the handover date.

Yorkare won the coveted Pinders Healthcare award for its previous two care homes, in 2015 for Magdalen Care Home in Hedon and in 2017 for Lindsey Road Care Home in Cleethorpes.

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