We have a lot of key milestones in the early parts of 2020 – none more so than the demolition of the sports hall. We’ll be stripping asbestos straight after Christmas with the demolition – which will take around three weeks to complete – due to take place later in January.
The main build will continue to progress at a rapid rate now the building is mostly watertight, allowing interior trades to commence works.
In early spring the piling works will commence on the site of the former sports hall and we will be writing to residents again in the weeks leading up to this to give notice of these works.
One thing I would like to reiterate is to encourage everyone on or near to our site to consider their safety at all times. We are entering a critical and busy part of the build at a time of year when temperatures are falling to freezing and daylight hours continue to be at a premium.
We work hard to make sure all staff receive the necessary training and do everything in our power to ensure continued safety, however if you see anything which causes you concern please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Richard Bettison – Project Manager