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Bishop Burton hosts biggest Foundations Live event yet

Foundations Live 2018 returned to Bishop Burton college for the third year on Wednesday 10th October for the biggest edition yet.

The event saw more than 1000 people in attendance throughout the day, with more than 70 organisations exhibiting to hundreds of students and many industry professionals visiting to network and learn more about opportunities available in the sector.

For the first time, Foundations Live 2018 held a panel debate, seeing guest speakers discuss the growing skills shortage and drop in popularity for careers in the construction industry. DIY SOS’s Mark Millar hosted the panel as guest speaker and panel chair. The panel consisted of Efficiency North’s Mark Scott, Hobson & Porter’s Richard Hunter, Bishop Burton’s Jeremy Hara and Chris Dodsworth, and CITB representatives Lynn Alisson and Chris Carr.

The debate was evenly balanced and excellent points were raised from all parties. Mark did a fantastic job in hosting a lively debate, bringing everyone together in agreement that there needs to be a focus on getting more young people interested in the industry.

Each panellist presented their points, through client, contractor, education and training board perspectives. A Q&A session followed the debate as the wider industry presented their views.

Hobson & Porter would like to thank everyone that attended Foundations Live this year, including exhibitors and visitors- through this collaboration we are raising the profile of construction and addressing the challenges of the future.


A year 6 class from Ings primary school, based in East Hull, attended the event. Primary school teacher Mrs Russell said: “I thought that the whole day went really well! It was an amazing experience and widened opportunities for the students”.

Mrs Russell continued: “It’s been a completely different learning experience and has been so nice to see the kids step away from technology and start doing some hands-on work! It’s very rare to see children enjoying something non-technology based nowadays!”

Year 11 student, Josh, from the Boulevard Academy said: “Foundations Live has been so fun and informative! I would 100% recommend it to anyone and I will definitely be coming again! I’ve learnt so much”.

Foundations Live will return next year as we seek to attract even more exhibitors and students from our region. To register interest for the next event visit: https://www.hobsonporter.com/foundations/

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