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Daring staff take the plunge for Children’s University

Four members of our staff have escaped from a helicopter submerged upside down underwater in Hull.

The team took part in the Dunker Challenge at HOTA’s Malmo Road Survival Training Centre in the city.

The Dunker is the nickname for the Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Simulator (HUET). It is used to train people in the offshore industry and is capable of a 180 degree revolution in a pool containing 250,000 litres of water.

Joe Rymer, Dan Lamplough, Glen Clayton and Charlie Walsh took on the challenge raising over £100 for Hull and East Yorkshire Children’s University.

Dan said: “It was a great challenge to take part in. As you can guess trying to escape from a submerged helicopter shell is not part of our daily routine working for Hobson & Porter.

“It was a little daunting when you are lowered into the water inside the helicopter shell and having to escape through a window as it filled up.

“The second part of the challenge saw us having to free ourselves from the shell as it submerged and rotated, which resembled a real-life emergency.

“We then did this again, but this time in the dark. I’m pleased to say we all escaped unharmed.

“It was great fun and excellent to also raise a bit of money for a really good cause.”

Hull and East Yorkshire Children’s University raises the aspirations of young people by building their confidence with unique learning experiences.

(Left to right)- Glen Clayton, Dan Lamplough, Joe Rymer and Charlie Walsh took on the HOTA Dunker Challenge

Clifford House, Malmo Road, Sutton Fields Industrial Estate, Kingston Upon Hull, HU7 0YF
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