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East Riding Leisure Centre Hornsea redevelopment officially underway

Work on the redevelopment of East Riding Leisure Centre Hornsea is now officially underway, following a press and media event held on Thursday 14th March.

Hobson & Porter and East Riding of Yorkshire Council welcomed local representatives, primary and secondary school students to the construction site, where they posed for photos with Hobson & Porter’s giant spade and learned more about the new centre for leisure and learning.

Bertie Field, aged two-years old and a regular visitor of the site, was invited to see the scheme’s diggers in action.

The £7.5 million project will bring a complete refurbishment and extension of the leisure centre with new facilities including an extended Tone Zone with 60 stations on the first floor overlooking the promenade; a new extended café area; new changing rooms; two new squash courts; and a dedicated Spin and Exercise Studio. The pool area and changing rooms will be extensively refurbished.

The redevelopment will also see the town’s library, customer service centre and resource centre relocating to the new facility, as well as the Children’s Centre.

The design incorporates a stunning two-storey extension and high-quality landscaping, the new centre for leisure and learning will provide a major new focal point for the central promenade.

Part-funded from the £3.77m Coastal Communities Fund awarded to Hornsea, the project is part of a wider regeneration programme for the sea front. With a dedicated education room, beach-side access to the café and toilets and stunning sea views from the outdoor seating area, the development is designed to attract more visitors to Hornsea, as well as catering for residents.

As part of the project, we are excited by the prospect of working with ERYC on several community engagement initiatives, including a site hoarding competition for both primary and secondary students.

Keep in touch with the progress of the redevelopment at www.eastridingleisure.co.uk/hornsea or via the new Facebook page : www.facebook.com/eastridingleisurehornsea

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