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Hat-trick of successes for Hobson & Porter at Ozone Business Park

Hobson & Porter has completed its third project at Ozone Business Park, underlining its firm relationship with commercial developer Horncastle Group. On the 32-acre business park, we have just handed over a warehouse, offices and car park for Timloc Building Supplies on Plot 6, the largest of all plots at 87,000 square feet.

Just a few weeks earlier on Plot 3, our site team worked to an ambitious eight-week programme to create an operations centre for Kersey Freight, accommodating 25 vehicles and 75 trailers. Due to the tight deadline, the 10-15 ground workers had to work long, irregular hours to complete the laying of foundations and tarmac, plus the installation of drainage and services within the timeframe.

Our relationship with Horncastle Group began in 2016 when we constructed a distribution warehouse for DPD, with the capacity to process 20,000 packages a day for delivery to residential and business addresses within a 50-mile radius of Howden. The £4m development sits on a 4.5-acre site and includes 6,716sqft of offices space, 59 van and HGV trailer parking spaces and 60 car parking spaces.

Clifford House, Malmo Road, Sutton Fields Industrial Estate, Kingston Upon Hull, HU7 0YF
01482 823999
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