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Hiding a little bit of history to mark completion of the Aura Innovation Centre

We’ve teamed up with pupils from the All Saints’ Federation in Hessle to hide a little bit of history beneath the multi-million-pound Aura Innovation Centre.

Throughout our construction work for the University of Hull at the Bridgehead Business Park we’ve been collaborating with pupils from the school, introducing them to the site and giving lessons about the construction industry.

To mark the completion of the £12m facility, pupils were back on site to bury a time capsule which includes their thoughts on future energy sources.

Director Dave Blades said: “We’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with pupils at the school teaching them about the construction and renewables industries. They’ve all been so engaging and hopefully we’ve encouraged a few of them to aspire to a career in construction in the future.

“As part of our Foundations initiative we want to give something back to communities and this does just that. Hopefully all the pupils have enjoyed the experience as much as we have at Hobson & Porter.”

Pupils at the school also showed off their artistic skills to create some wonderful hoardings which brightened up the site whilst the construction work was taking place. With the work complete now, the murals have been gifted to the school.

A message from All Saints’ Federation said: “Thank you so much Hobson & Porter and Aura Innovation. We have loved working with you over the past year and feel very lucky to have had this opportunity.”

When it officially opens in early 2020, Aura will provide a space for businesses to develop new renewable energy technologies, create a strong supply chain, and spearhead the Humber’s low carbon ambitions.

A message from Aura praised the efforts of the pupils. It said: “It’s amazing to see how keen the future generations are to learn about clean energy – we can’t wait to hear their predictions.”

The time capsule contained pupils’ drawings with their thoughts on what energy sources will be used in the future

Pupils with the Aura mural at All Saints Primary School

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