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Hobson & Porter attends Construction LMI sector event

On 19th June 2018, an event was held at ERGO Centre, the new development at Bridgehead Business Park on the north side of the Humber Bridge, to raise awareness of the wide range of construction career opportunities available in the region.

The event was hosted by LMI Humber in association with the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), Humber Training Group, Go Construct and Green Port Hull.

Hobson & Porter’s Employment & Skills Coordinator, Pauline Steele and Civil Engineer, Mark Young attended the event, which highlighted that 6.7% of employment in the Humber region is in construction. That represents one in every 16 jobs.

An event overview was given by representatives from East Riding Council and the CITB, followed by an understanding of the building process and the job roles involved in the different stages. There was also a session on how the industry can support careers in the curriculum, plus an opportunity for attendees to network. The event was attended by over 80 delegates from business, training providers, Job centre plus, careers advisors, schools and organisations helping people into work.

Pauline and Mark, with support from Pre-Construction Director Dan and Apprentice Harry. Dan and Harry joined the industry from a young age (Dan after studying an Architecture degree at university and Harry straight from school) and both shared their considerable experience with careers advisors and teachers at the event.

Janice Chattaway, CITB Advisor for the Humber, praised the team’s support: “I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Hobson & Porter for supporting the LMI event yesterday, it was really appreciated. It makes such a difference for people to hear real life stories from people working in the industry.

“It is a big commitment from your organisation in giving up your time but hopefully an investment that will make a difference in the future, encouraging more students to see construction as an exciting career choice.”

The Hull-headquartered construction company is currently running its Foundations initiative, which has the purpose of developing careers in construction and promoting industry sustainability. At any one time there are apprenticeships working either in the company’s major or minor works divisions.

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