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Hobson & Porter supports up and coming badminton player

A young up and coming badminton player sponsored by Hobson & Porter has had success in several regional competitions.

Owen Walker has played at the Northumberland U17 Silver Tournament and Warwickshire U17 Bronze Tournament, winning a bronze medal in both competitions for his mixed doubles performances. He also took part in the Cumbria U18 Bronze Tournament, winning a bronze medal in the boys’ doubles, and achieved a prestigious gold medal at the Cumbria U16 Bronze Tournament in mixed doubles.

Hobson & Porter has supported Owen with his training and provided him with a sponsored kit to play in. Owen will be representing Yorkshire at badminton again when he competes in the New Year.

Hobson & Porter Managing Director Richard Hunter said: “Hobson & Porter continues to benefit the community where possible, including the sponsorship of young talented individuals like Owen.

“Owen has performed fantastically in the tournaments he has been involved in and we are very proud of his achievements.”

Congratulations to Owen on winning his medals this year!

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