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State-of-the-art research centre for Daisy Appeal continues progress

We’re pleased to report that our construction of a vital new research centre for the Daisy Appeal in Cottingham is continuing to progress well.

The Molecular Imaging Suite in Cottingham will translate scientific and medical research advances into clinical use. It will also house a GENtrace 600 cyclotron which will enable the capacity to create customised radiotracers to detect early signs of cancer, cardiovascular disease and dementia.

The complex process of installing the centre’s iconic cladding and specialist M&E is now underway as the project team works hard to deliver the facility, which will be based at Cottingham’s Castle Hill Hospital.

Mike Beal, construction director for Hobson & Porter said: “We’re pleased to be undertaking this major project for the Daisy Appeal. The centre will be a unique, state-of-the-art facility which will develop new radiotracers for use in cancer, cardiovascular and dementia imaging.

“The work is going well and our team is working hard to meet the project’s completion date in the coming months.”

Image credit: https://morganlloydjones.com/

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